Friday, April 25, 2008

Bioethics and Eugenics, Part II

Twenty-First Century Schizoid Man
Several months ago I heard something that was so disturbing to me I finally set out to research it. I heard that the blood samples of newborn infants is being warehoused by the government. For years I have known that newborns receive blood testing but currently was unaware of the specificity of the tests.

April 3rd I ran across an article, "Government stakes claim to every newborn's DNA," which cites that states and the federal government have plans for ownership of blood sampling for each infant. Twila Brase, president of the Minnesota organization, Citizen's Council on Health Care, warns this could be a forerunning event to the next wave of Eugenics. In 1921, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, said of eugenics, it is

"the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems," later saying, "the ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all."

Thousands of Minnesota infants have given their blood samples to the government, without parental consent already. Brase cautions,

"The Senate just voted to strip citizens of parental rights, privacy rights, patient rights and DNA property rights. They voted to make every citizen a research subject of the state government, starting at birth. They voted to let the government create genetic profiles of every citizen without their consent."

Nationwide, comparable rules and regulations are in place. This picqued my interest regarding the state of Missouri. State statutes and regulatory stipulations are listed for all 50 states and the District of Columbia are listed by The National Conference of State Legislatures. The National Newborn Screening and Genetics Resource Center lists disorders by states. It was last updated April 23, 2008. Unfortunately, Missouri is fully compliant with all mandated testing except for one. Strange, but Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas are the most resistant. Maybe I'll move there...

According to the article, "Newborns' DNA targeted for state research, profiling: 'What good is the privacy law if government warehouses data?', more the 780,000 infants' DNA has already been set aside with 42,210 children already having had their DNA subjected for research without their consent.

The "rub" is that not only are disorders being tested for such as asthma, diabetes and cancer, but it also covers behavioral disorders, including the hunt for violence related genes. She elaborates,

"In England they decided they should have doctors looking for problem children, and have those children reported, and their DNA taken in case they would become criminals."

It is proposed they sample for 200 genetic disorders, record a brain image, take a personal history and conduct genetics testing for each child so they may map a plan. Brace elaborates,

"They want to learn their weaknesses and defects."

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