Sunday, May 4, 2008

Food Production

It's interesting to note that rising food costs is not only linked to the rising cost of oil. One of my friends wrote a "must read" letter to the editor of the Columbia Tribune in the Sunday, May 4th edition. It's nice to hear the reality of "news" rather than inflated claims.

Another noteworthy item of interest is that cattleman Greg Judy is highlighted in Sunday's edition of the Tribune. Judy no longer allows his cattle to roam free range to feed. He now sequesters them in one acre sections with a temporary electric fence which he moves twice daily. This pattern is known as high-density grazing. He no longer fertilizes the land nor gives his cattle hormones. His cattle, which he classifies as "ultra-natural" is sold for about sixty cents higher than the yeild of feedlot producers. He claims farmers utilizing this approach does not need to be subsidized by the government.

Considering the fact that the bulk of subsidies go to large corporate feedlots, this could be one area where money could be saved. I recently learned some horrifying details about corporate feedlots and dairys which seem nearly as awful as practices in veal production.
Don't worry, it's too close to brunch to elaborate on this subject.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Shame of Eugenics in 2008, Part IV

Students for Life connected black pastors, pro-life activists, Arizona's Representative Trent Franks, Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King Jr. and many others, to demonstrate in Washington, D.C. April 24, 2008, with the call for Congress to discontinue Planned Parenthood's funding, which received government grants and contracts totaling over $336 million for the fiscal year most recent. This protest is over the "alleged pattern of racist practices" by Planned Parenthood.

A letter was given to each of the presidential candidates, as well as Congressional and Senatorial Campaign Committees, the Republican and Democrat National Committees, and the Black Congressional Black Caucus.
In WND's article, "Black leaders: De-fund 'racist' Planned Parenthood," the U-tube video, which was part of an undercover investigation, illustrates their agenda. Life Dynamics of Texas earlier conducted an extensive investigation which revealed wide-spread complicit responses from Planned Parenthood clinics across America in which statutory rape was covered up. A 107 count criminal complaint was filed.
Considering that African-Americans comprise only 12 - 14% of the US population, yet nearly half of all abortions are of this segment of the population, this seriously needs to be examined. The world did not allow Hitler to reign, likewise this practice needs an immediate halt. As was discussed last week, some blacks are concerned about the swift rise in numbers of hispanics, this is one area they could critically impact with increased education. The culture of death our society has embraced will only lead to the demise of our entire nation. Euthanasia, DNA profiling of infants and abortion are all part of the plan. We the people must put the skids on, or lose our very soul.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bioethics and Eugenics, Part III

This post deals with a sensitive subject, but one that must be examined, especially if there is truth to it. It is another path that eugenics has taken which has caused countless destruction to our citizens, our nation and especially to a particular targeted segment of our society. The subject? One article, written by Jesse Lee Peterson, states it aptly, "Abortion: Black Genocide" and poiginantly states that "true racism is extermination of minority babies." This spells out to us clearly that the issue of abortion is not just about convenience, but it is about preserving a viable black race! Ellis Washington, in his March 1, 2008 article, "Today's unborn blacks: More vulnerable than slaves," poignantly summarizes,
"A slave of 1808 has a better chance of life than a black pre-born baby of 2008."
According to Jesse Lee Peterson,
"Abortion propagandists have dehumanized the unborn baby just as was done with the Jews in the Holocaust. In his book 'Abortion Practice,' Warren Hern, M.D. compares the unborn child to a 'parasite,' which was the exact word Hitler used to dehumanize Jewish people in his infamous 'Mein Kampf."
Abortion became legalized in 1973 and since that time, over 14 million black babies have been killed. This number represents the death of over twice as many black infants as have succumbed to Aids, accidents, heart disease, cancer and violent crimes combined. The number of black babies being aborted each day numbers over 1,450. Nearly half of all terminations of pregnancy in America are for black women, though blacks represent only 12% of the population. According to statistics from the Alan Guttmacher Institute (in 1997), black women were two times more likely to abort their child than Hispanics and three times as likely as white females.
I want to point out my personal basis regarding Planned Parenthood first so one has no doubts. I previously have spent countless hours during a number of years of volunteering at my local Planned Parenthood. In teaching groups to both adults and adolesents about Sexually Transmitted Diseases, many were referred there for testing, primarily to do price concessions. The Planned Parenthood clinic in my community did not offer abortion services. One day, during a health fair my two young daughters needed to use the restroom and as I strolled through the building, I picked up several phamplets. Utterly devastated at what I saw in print which was political hatespeak, I vowed to never enter their doors again. I also contacted all my legislators and gifted each with a copy of the brochures in question. For an organization receiving taxpayer dollars to politicize issues as they did was simply unthinkable and intolerable. This motivated me to learn more about the inception and goals of Planned Parenthood. It is something which every man, woman and child should be aware.

Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, which evolved from the roots of another organization, has a dispicably colorful history of racism and was enmessed in the eugenics movement of that day. In The Birth Control Review, in 1919, she announced "More children from the fit, less from the unfit - that is the chief issue of birth control." The cover of the November 1921 issue read, "Birth control: To create a race of thoroughbreds," were Sanger's words. In the article, "Abortion and the African-American: Is it Genocide?, it is cited,
"Some groups, she thought, were 'inferior races' and 'human weeds' that needed to be curbed. Sanger said she believed there was an 'ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all."
In 1939 the Clinical Research Bureau merged with the American Birth Control League to become the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA). Sanger was the chairman and formed a Division of Negro service. In 1938, she disclosed her rationale for forming The Negro Project, stating

"The mass of Negroes,particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase amoung Negroes,even more than among whites, is from the portion of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear children properly."

In a letter from Sanger to Dr. Clarence Gamble, member of the BFCA's board, she outlined her action plan for her pet Negro Project,
"From my experience where I have been in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Texas, that while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors, they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts.
They do not do this with the white people, and if we can train the Negro doctor at the Clinic, he can go among them with enthusiasm and with knowledge, which I believe, will have far-reaching results among the colored people."
"The minister's [sic] work is also important and also he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Gamble responded in a memorandum,
"There is a great danger that we will fail because the Negroes think it a plan for extermination. Hense let's appear to let the colored run it."
Co-director of Houston's black anti-abortion group, Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN), Akua Furlow states the emphasis of Planned Parenthood was altered from black sterilization to black abortion. She also maintains that "the African-American pro-life community has been effectively excluded from the media." LEARN also released that 78 percent of abortion clinics are located in or near minority communities. Over one-hundred Planned Parenthood school-based clinics opened in the 1980's and "all were in black, minority, or ethnic schools. None were opened in a suburban, middle-class school."
Also a promoter of eugenics was the Ku Klux Klan. Both the Imperial Wizard Dr. Hiram Evans and Earnest Cox cited works from the eugenics field. Cox stated in an article published in the Eugenics News in 1936, "that all blacks of 'breeding age' should be deported to Africa."
What is to be done about the fragile state in which we find the unborn black child? Once we realize the undergirding racist philosophy which motivated the penning of abortion law in this country, the very least that should be done is to strip tax dollars from the agency of death, Planned Parenthood.

Bioethics and Eugenics, Part II

Twenty-First Century Schizoid Man
Several months ago I heard something that was so disturbing to me I finally set out to research it. I heard that the blood samples of newborn infants is being warehoused by the government. For years I have known that newborns receive blood testing but currently was unaware of the specificity of the tests.

April 3rd I ran across an article, "Government stakes claim to every newborn's DNA," which cites that states and the federal government have plans for ownership of blood sampling for each infant. Twila Brase, president of the Minnesota organization, Citizen's Council on Health Care, warns this could be a forerunning event to the next wave of Eugenics. In 1921, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, said of eugenics, it is

"the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems," later saying, "the ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all."

Thousands of Minnesota infants have given their blood samples to the government, without parental consent already. Brase cautions,

"The Senate just voted to strip citizens of parental rights, privacy rights, patient rights and DNA property rights. They voted to make every citizen a research subject of the state government, starting at birth. They voted to let the government create genetic profiles of every citizen without their consent."

Nationwide, comparable rules and regulations are in place. This picqued my interest regarding the state of Missouri. State statutes and regulatory stipulations are listed for all 50 states and the District of Columbia are listed by The National Conference of State Legislatures. The National Newborn Screening and Genetics Resource Center lists disorders by states. It was last updated April 23, 2008. Unfortunately, Missouri is fully compliant with all mandated testing except for one. Strange, but Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas are the most resistant. Maybe I'll move there...

According to the article, "Newborns' DNA targeted for state research, profiling: 'What good is the privacy law if government warehouses data?', more the 780,000 infants' DNA has already been set aside with 42,210 children already having had their DNA subjected for research without their consent.

The "rub" is that not only are disorders being tested for such as asthma, diabetes and cancer, but it also covers behavioral disorders, including the hunt for violence related genes. She elaborates,

"In England they decided they should have doctors looking for problem children, and have those children reported, and their DNA taken in case they would become criminals."

It is proposed they sample for 200 genetic disorders, record a brain image, take a personal history and conduct genetics testing for each child so they may map a plan. Brace elaborates,

"They want to learn their weaknesses and defects."

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Where IS the Cup Bearer???

EVERY DAY it's SOMETHING! This time it's incontinence drugs , (like Detrol or Ditropan), being linked to Alzheimer's. A couple days ago we were told that workers from three meat packing plants now have contracted a new, and unexplained neurological disorder, evidently associated with processing pork brains.

We've gotten rid of aluminum pans and switched to stainless steel. We began using aluminum-free deodorant. We scrub our hands and countertops to avoid samonella contamination. We've cooked our pork thoroughly to avoid parasites. We can't eat fish because of high mercury levels. Can't eat meat or we may get pyrions from mad cow. We can't drink the water now because of pharmaceuticals, including sex hormones, in ground water supplies. We can't breath the air because of particulate from chemtrails that is sprayed in the upper atmosphere.

AND, have you heard of Morgellon's Disease? This is the strangest complex I've EVER heard! Something out of Deep Space Nine or Star Gate.
Persons who suffer from this condition report a range of symptoms including non-healing skin lesions associated with the emergence of fibers or solid material from the skin, abnormal skin sensations (such as stinging and biting or pins and needles) and non-cutaneous symptoms such as difficulty concentrating and short-term memory loss.
The Centers for Disease Control have launched a study. Two or three years ago I heard it reported that samples of these fibers were examined under a scanning electron microscope. It was reported they were pieces of fibre optic material of some sort. My first thought was some new nanotech plot gone awry. YIKES!

It just dawned on me last night, in light of those ominous &*()^, with the amount of Pepsi and Coke products Americans ingest, we'll all be loony before long. Did you know that pregnant women are told NOT to consume more than one packet of Splenda or Nutrasweet per day? That should tell us something! (Nutrasweet is a neurotoxin, which excites a particular type of brain cell to death within 4 hours and Splenda does something else).

Immunizations are linked to Autism because they STILL use TOXIC mercury and sometimes even aluminum in the serum. (not counting all the other things)

AND, if none of this works... well, the "Mouth of the South" (Ted Turner), already told the world... the survivors will be cannibles! SO,
there you have it! They're killing us...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bioethics and Eugenics, Part One

*Note: The purpose of this post is NOT to discuss the pros or cons of abortion or birth control. It is exclusively to discuss the rationale behind the Eugenics movement. In shedding light upon the darkness, we can become more unified in love and respect for one another.

I grew up in a town with one black family. We all attended the same church and Nancy and I attended Sunday School and classes at school together. Nancy and her older sister and I were friends and their father worked at our school and he always had a smile. I must admit I felt the same way when I heard about Martin Luther King as my classmate disclosed. I did not understand what the problem was. I did not watch the news during those days and when in high school I worked evenings after school and on weekends. There was no visible strife in my world and absolutely no racial discrimination in my family nor with relatives or friends of my family’s. It simply would not have been tolerated.

It wasn’t until I took a Sociology class last session that I even heard about the deep roots of racial discrimination, stemming from elitists. This was so foreign and at first I could hardly believe it. I was quite familiar with
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, however and it really clicked when I read an article about racially encouraged abortions not long ago. Again, I felt the same fierce feelings of revulsion as I had in class. This is why I’ve chosen to discuss Bioethics and Eugenics.

Hitler’s idea was not a new one. In 1863, the word Eugenics which in Greek means "good birth," was coined by
Sir Francis Galton who was a cousin of Charles Darwin. As defined by Galton and appeared on the cover of Eugenics Review for a number of years, "Eugenics is the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations, whether physically or mentally." In 1970, I.I. Gottesman defined it as,
"The essence of evolution is natural selection; the essence of eugenics is the replacement of 'natural' selection by conscious, premeditated, or artificial selection in the hope of speeding up the evolution of 'desirable' characteristics and the elimination of undesirable ones."

Many of the world’s wealthiest families have contributed to this philosophy. Their tremendous hate for people other than their own kind has had seething retributions which has brought discrimination, starvation, forced sterilization (~60,000 Americans), and countless other tragedies to various people groups throughout the world. Galton desired that eugenics become a science which would evolve into policy. It has become nearly all-encompassing in foreign policy initiatives and is the basis for the many of the issues environmentalists rally around today, such as global warming. It is the foundation for transitioning the world into a global one. The horror is, many involved in it, are unaware.

(To be continued!)

Though Judge Robert H. Bork wrote the book, Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline (1996), America still saw a rapid decline in moral values and an escalation in numbers of professors teaching from a humanistic slant in colleges and universities, especially in ivy league institutions. Australian Philosopher Peter Singer was hired by Princeton in 1999 and is probably best known for his positive stance on euthanization of babies for up to 28 days after birth. As I recall, he later recanted and changed it to a lesser time frame, most likely due to ensuing public uproar. It has also been said he is the "architect of the culture of death."

When will Americans unify and put a stop to this movement? As with so many issues today, we may impact one heart at a time.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Ethics of Global Warming

There is no need for Americans to fear mediocrity, as a segment of the populous is bent in forging ahead to The Ludicrous. My initial inclination was to let the latest venomous drivel spewed forth from former media mogul Ted Turner’s mouth, otherwise known as the “mouth of the south,” expire from the death it deserves. However, an article caught my eye from the Drudge Report which begged reading, thus the focus on global warming.

I have heard over the past two years, several individuals mention that it is their belief that one goal global elitists have, is to eventually create a carbon tax on each person’s bodily respiration. That’s right, for breathing! Amazingly, one of the regular serfs beat them to it! Assembly Bill 2558 is being discussed in the capitol city of Sacramento, which will allow Los Angeles to enact a global warming tax on motorists. Depending upon their particular vehicle’s emissions rating, consumers would pay an additional 3% at the pumps or a flat $90 annual fee. The immense good one can see of this is that it will perhaps alert the public if ever the Nobles deem a mandatory respiration carbon tax on the citizenry.
“that the scientific consensus on global warming is bogus – and ‘a mild form of McCarthyism has developed toward those scientists who do not agree’ that mankind is in danger.”
“We are also brainwashing our children on the warming topic. We have no better example than Al Gore’s alarmist and inaccurate movie which is being shown in our schools and being hawked by warming activists with little or no meteorological-climate background.”
The Weather Channel founder, John Coleman suggests that suing Al Gore might be what is needed to expose the fraud. This has already been successfully done in the United Kingdom. Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth" was to have had government-sponsored showings in all classrooms in the UK.

Lord Monckton, advisor to then Prime Minister, Mrs. Margaret Thacher, took this case to court. He exposed the "35 Inconvenient Truths: The Errors in Al Gore's movie."

Glenn Beck's most recent discussion with Lord Monckton took place April 2, 2008. He interviewed him on two other occasions, March 4, 2008 and March 31, 2008.
The conclusion to the court case raised by Christopher Walter, Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley:
"As many as 35 serious scientific errors or exaggerations, all pointing towards invention of a threat that does not exist at all, or exaggerations of phenomena that do exist, do not reflect credit on the presenter of the movie or on those who advised him. The movie is unsuitable for showing to children, and provides no basis for taking policy decisions. Schools that have shown the movie to children are urged to ensure that the errors listed in this memorandum are drawn to the children’s attention."
As we will see, the global warming concept is an outbirth of the Eugenics movement.
"Comments on Global Warming," by John Coleman:
"35 Inconvenient Truths: The Errors in Al Gore's Movie, by Lord Monckton:

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Video re: Federal Reserve

Here is an excellent video regarding the Federal Reserve.
Whether or not one likes the speaker, it is pertinent.
House Financial Services Committee

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"USA 2008: The Great Depression"

The article referenced regarding food stamp statistics is primarily from The Independent World, a United Kingdom daily paper, entitled "USA 2008: The Great Depression," written by David Usborne in New York.

As we just witnessed, banks and financial institutions tried, successfully, to dump their debt to American taxpayers, and succeeding due to actions of the Federal Reserve. Yes, they printed another $200 BILLION to bail them out. Whereas many will lose their homes, the money changers are on the dole at the taxpayer’s expense. This has devalued the dollar further and is heightening the already serious problem of the impoverished in our nation.

With the rapid exodus of manufacturing jobs from our country, we saw critical levels of unemployment, especially in the rust-belt regions. Michigan is still experiencing its own recession, as one in eight of this collapsed industrial base requires food stamps. In 2000 this number was one in four. For the twelve month period from December 2006 to 2007, forty states reported an increase in food stamp applications. Rhode Island reported an increase of 18 percent in two years and Florida, Maryland and Arizona reported a 10 percent increase this last year, as have at least three other states.

The food stamp program is a Federal program which was introduced in the 1960's. Its purpose was to provide supplemental aid however, today many folks are using it to totally cover their food needs. Drastic increases in gas prices have led to a hasty upward spiraling of food prices. There remains the ever present transportation problems, especially in rural communities which will be greatly exacerbated if the Oates program is crushed from existence, has been discussed.

There has been a six percent rise in the cost of feeding a family of four, according to the US Dept of Agriculture. Another problem is that so many of the indigent are lacking in knowledge of food preparation and tend to purchase "junk", and highly processed food, thus not providing basic nutritional needs of the body. Further, our food sources are increasingly becoming contaminated. To cite an example of this, one only needs to look to our neighboring state of Kansas. There is a section of land which is so contaminated it is toxic, yet wheat continues to be produced on it, and added to our nation's supply of flour. One must purchase non-bromulated flour or use another source of grain such as spelt, to avoid this toxic flour. These can be readily found in specialty food stores but not necessarily are they available in every grocery store, and they are more expensive.

As the dollar continues to fall and we experience a prolonged fracturing economy, there will be a converse fallout relationship to poverty. We in the helping professions must join together in doing our part to sustain our countrymen. Yes, this may mean making hard choices and taking a stand, but that's what our forefathers did. By doing nothing, we are telling the world they died in vain and for naught.

Federal Reserve proposal

The financial future and sovereignty of the US is tottering on the edge of a cliff. These issues are crucial because outcomes directly affect our middle and lower classes most. Those most vulnerable naturally will be affected most, and of course, will include our client populations in the field of social work. Everyone will suffer including businesses. Much of our service industry is made up of not-for-profit agencies. Many of these will likely suffer too. As donor bases dry up, so might tax incentives. Americans are industrious, so I’m sure we can survive but this depends heavily on the health of our administrative government and their current course of action in light of this monetary crisis. In question now is the proposal to give the Federal Reserve MORE power. Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize-winning economist and Anna J. Schwartz co-authored the book, A Monetary History of the United States. They assert the Federal Reserve was to blame for The Great Depression. On November 8, 2002 a Federal Reserve governor honored Friedman with a speech at his 90th birthday conference, ending with this:

"Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again."

The Federal Reserve governor who gave this speech was none other than Ben S. Bernanke, current chairman of the Federal Reserve.

What many do not know is that the Federal Reserve is NOT a US governmental agency. It is comprised of powerful global bankers who hold the majority of the world’s wealth. So WHY would the US even consider placing its economy and future in the hands of such an entity. There have been six major recessions in the US and half of these have occurred after the inception of the Federal Reserve, in 1913. This act transferred the power to create money from the American government to the group of private bankers. In Woodrow Wilson’s book, The New Freedom, published in 1913, the President said:

“Since I entered into politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” (Project Gutenberg. p 5 para 5

Congressman Charles A. Lindberg Sr. heeded,

“This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this act the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust investigation, will be legalized…”

Three years after signing the Federal Reserve Act into law, President Woodrow Wilson stated,

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all out activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

I hope each person contemplates the impact this new proposal to hand over Additional power to the "Federal" Reserve might have in relationship to our country, our families, our neighbors, our children and grandchildren. Ideally, the “Fed” should be abolished, but at minimum, pared back significantly. The power to create money should lie solely in the hands of our elected officials. Would you leave your checkbook and safe deposit box key with a group of people you don't even know?

Action Plan: Contact your Federal and State Legislators to voice a negative stand on this issue. The number for the Congressional Switchboard: 202.224.3121
* You may ask each office to transfer you to the next office, thereby making only one call.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008